Certificatie 2 Fiber RxTx MM850/980/1300SM/1310/1490/1550/1625 ANJ7

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The ANJ7 is a high-accuracy, high-resolution, microprocessor-controlled optical loss test sets (OLTS) capable of performing a wide variety of testing applications, from basic optical loss measurement up to simultaneous bi-directional, dual-wavelength fiber link certification. With a wide measurement range and wavelengths, the ANJ7 is ideal for both singlemode and multimode fiber link certification. Enclosed in an attractive hand-held case made from high impact plastic and protected by a protective rubber boot, test readings and graphical help screens can be viewed on the color LCD, and an intuitive 10-key keypad allows for easy data entry. The ANJ7 is powered by re-chargeable lithium polymer batteries, typically allowing up to 50 hours of continuous use. A built-in auto-shutdown feature further conserves battery life. Batteries are re-charged through the USB port via supplied battery chargers. The intuitive built-in Link Wizard prompts the user to enter key information used to calculate standards-based link budgets for fiber optic certification testing, and helpful diagrams guide the user through the setup and testing procedure. Thousands of data points with descriptive link and fiber run labels can be stored in internal memory. Stored information can be selectively viewed, re-tested, or deleted from the device. The data can also be downloaded to the certification software to produce professional-looking formatted certification reports. The software includes three products together; the integrated power meter certification, the optional OTDR traces, and the optional endface analysis results all on the same report. Pair Mode - Fiber Optic Link Pair Certification
PAIR mode is the fastest, easiest, and most innovative way to certify a fiber pair at up to two wavelengths simultaneously, including length measurement with each test, since bi-directional testing is not required by cabling standards; i.e. test direction does not matter.
A. PAIR mode is twice as fast as bi-directional link certification and much less confusing
Testing bi-directionally requires a two-step process: test in one direction, swap fiber ports, then test in the other direction. PAIR mode cuts testing time in half by eliminating the second (not required) direction, and keeps things simple by eliminating the often-confusing and error-prone step of swapping fiber ports.
B. PAIR mode is twice as fast as traditional link certification
Traditional link certification certifies one fiber at a time. PAIR mode tests two fibers at a time, significantly speeding up the certification process. In addition, PAIR mode allows length measurement with each test, something that traditional link certification cannot do.
The Link Wizard in the ANJ7 uses attenuation parameters from popular cabling standards to certify fiber links, and shows complete PASS/FAIL test results for both fibers at both wavelengths, all on the same screen, right in the field. BIDI MODE Bi-directional (BIDI) Fiber Optic Link Certification
Similar to PAIR mode, BIDI (bi-directional) mode allows users to quickly and conveniently certify a fiber pair in both directions at up to two wavelengths simultaneously, including length measurement with each test. Keep in mind that while bi-directional testing is not a requirement of cabling standards, it may still be required by the end user.
The Link Wizard in the ANJ7 uses attenuation parameters from popular cabling standards to certify fiber links, and shows complete PASS/FAIL test results for both fibers at both wavelengths, all on the same screen, right in the field. User-friendly setup and test procedures
Helpful diagrams on the screen prompt the user to connect the tester to the link as shown, and text-based help screens are available in case users have questions in the field.
The ANJ7 is a fraction of the cost of bulky over-priced certifiers, saving cost-conscious technicians and installers thousands of dollars that could be better used elsewhere.
Small, compact size
At nearly a third of the size and weight as compared to much bulkier ultra-expensive certifiers on the market, Fiber ANJ7 is truly hand-held pocket-sized devices that can be operated in one hand!

  • Certify two fibers in both directions simultaneously - four times as fast as traditional certification!
  • Tier 1 Certification for both multimode and singlemode in the same unit
  • Smallest, lightest, most affordable bi-directional fiber optic link certification tester in the industry
  • Compact size
  • Color LCD display
  • Breakthrough pricing
  • Encircled Flux compliant
  • Multiple versatile test modes
  • Comprehensive View Tri-report
  • User-friendly diagrams guide users through the testing process!
  • Factory located in the heartland of the US!
What is Encircled Flux?
Encircled Flux (EF) is the ratio of the total optical power within a multimode fiber core to the amount of optical power exiting the fiber at a particular radius, measured at several different radii to determine how the optical power is distributed within the multimode fiber core, and to set limits based on where the fiber overfills and where it underfills.
In other words, EF is a method that defines whether or not the launch condition of the transmitter is acceptable (neither overfilling nor underfilling the fiber).
From the perspective of technicians who test and certify fiber cables, the above definition is merely academic because EF is not what is being measured here. If Encircled Flux Is Not A Field Measurement, What Is It Used For?
The goal of any measurement is to minimize the amount of uncertainty, or error, in the measurement. By minimizing measurement error, accuracy is increased. Where EF is concerned, uncertainty is minimized by where the upper and lower fill limits are set. So, if a technician is required to test a link according to EF standards, technicians must ensure that EF-compliant test methods are followed.
Unfortunately, due to variance between different multimode test sources and reference cables, EF compliance cannot be fully ensured by current reference methods, such as mandrel-wrapping. How is "Encircled Flux Compliance" ensured?
Thus, an EF-compliant test method must have a way to control the launch condition itself so that the output launch exiting the multimode reference cable is consistent regardless of what test source and/or reference cables are used.
Currently, EF compliance can be achieved a couple of different ways.
The first method requires two matched parts to ensure EF compliance: a specially designed light source partially controls modal output, and a special matching cable that completes the EF compliance. The problem with this method is that neither the source nor the cable can ensure EF compliance on their own, and they cannot be matched to other sources and cables.
By far the most flexible method is to use a special reference cable called a Mode Controller (like the one shown below).
Mode Controllers includes a special in-line module that ensures a consistent launch pattern at the output connector, regardless of what multimode light source is used.
While Mode Controller cables are relatively expensive, they are a viable option to make any multimode test kit EF compliant.

Warning: LEDs and lasers such as the ones in light sources produce intense beams of infrared energy that is invisible to the eye!

Fiber Optic Light Source Port  
Type (MM / SM): LED/FP Laser
Center Wavelength: 850 +30/-10 nm
  1300 ±50 nm
  1310 ± 30 nm
  1550 ± 30 nm
Spectral Width (FWHM): 850 nm: 50 nm
  1300 nm: 180 nm
  1310 nm: 2 nm
  1550 nm: 2 nm
Output Power (MM/SM): -20 dBm / -10 dBm
Initial Accuracy (Uncertainty): ±0.1 dB
Output Modes: CW, Modulated
Optical Power Meter Port  
Detector Type: InGaAs
Wavelengths: 850, 980, 1300, 1310, 1490, 1550, 1625 nm
Measurement Range: +5 to -70 dBm
Accuracy (Uncertainty): ±0.15 dB
Display Resolution: 0.01 dB
Power Units: dBm, dB
Connectors: Universeelschroef
Adapter: 2.5mm ST/SC/FC
  1.25mm LC, MU en SFF
Data Storage Points: <10,000
Download Port Connection: USB
Software: Yes
Modes of Operation: PAIR, BIDI, CERT, LOSS, OPM
Length Measurement Range: up to 25 km
Length Measurement Accuracy: ±2.5 meters
General specification  
Display Type: 2.8” Color LCD
Battery Type: Lithium Polymer
Battery Life: up to 50 hours
Auto-shutdown: Yes
Operating Temperature: -10 to 55°C
Storage Temperature: -30 to 70°C
Dimensions: Breedte: 7cm (2.87”)
  Hoogte: 11cm (4.42”)
  Diepte: 3cm (1.25”)
Weight: 284 gram
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE

Master unit
Remote unit
Adapter 2.5mm ST/SC/FC
Adapter 1.25mm LC
Rubber behuizing
Certificaat NIST-traceability
USB flash drive with View certification software
USB driver
Engelse manual

4.717,79 € (3.899,00 € excl VAT) each

Prijzen zijn per stuk, exclusief 21% BTW en gelden voor levering af magazijn Voorthuizen. Bij levering in Nederland of in België worden verzendkosten altijd in rekening gebracht tot maximaal EUR 25,00. Ditzelfde geldt voor expreskosten en/of rembourskosten. Bij de producten trainingen en cursussen is na het bevestigen van de cursusdatum, bij het niet verschijnen van de deelnemer(s), de verplichting ontstaan tot volledige betaling. Het volgen op een latere datum ingeval van niet verschijnen is in overleg mogelijk, maar wordt uitsluitend gezien als service. Hieruit kan geen enkel recht uit worden onttrokken.