ADA1 Auto Chassis & Aarde tester

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We all know that bad electrical return circuit (chassis ground) can cause a lot of problems to the ECU in the car and yet we occasionally overlook to check its condition during diagnosing faults. This may due to the reasons that we do not have a proper tool or it is difficult to measure milliohms resistance with a multi meter. With the ADA1 you can test the grounding condition of the chassis or engine body easily by simple hookup and the results will be given instantly either Good or Bad.


1. A fast and accurate way to know the grounding condition.
2. Simple hookup, just clamp to battery terminals and chassis /engine body.
3. Easy to operate, no assistance needed.
4. Works on Negative or Positive Grounding vehicles.
5. Bright LED displays even in dim areas.
6. Clear scrolling instructions given.
7. No internal batteries and maintenance required.
8. Reverse Polarity protected.

  • Tests the electrical return circuit of the car, be it the chassis or engine body ground.
  • Works on Negative or Positive grounding vehicles.
  • Measurement conducted in milliohms and the results shown after test:
    - OK (Good)
    - Check Ground Contact (Hi Resistance)
Operating voltage: 9 ~ 15 Volts DC
Battery Type: 12V
Grounding Test: Yes
Screen display: LED
Show state of charge in Volts: Yes
Reverse polarity protection: Yes
Surface charge warning: Yes
Cable length: 70cm
Dimensions: 8 x 8 x 18cm
Weight: 0.285kg
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE
- ADA1 Auto Chassis & Aarde tester
- GB10 Gebruiksaanwijzing
118,58 € (98,00 € excl VAT) each

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