DA35 RT60 optie Real Time Interfaces


The DA35 Option measures the reverberation time of a room. The DA35 is use with DS34 analyzer. The reverberation time is how long it takes for a sound to decay by 60dB in a room. Measurements taken can be stored and printed. No computer is needed with this option.
The DA35 is a measurement of how long it would take a sound to decay 60dB in a large room. There is great debate as to the value of DA35 in small rooms, or in rooms with an DA of less than 1 second as they are not statistically reverberant. Long DA35 times tends to make it more difficult to understand speech in a room, but may be pleasing for some forms of music. In most rooms DA35 times will be longer at the lower frequencies. The DA35 measurements show both octave band and broadband DA35. In general the octave band information is by far the more useful. DA35 is a powerful tool for predicting intelligibility, and for the selection of type and requirements for acoustical materials. DA35 information also provide guidelines for determining where High Q (directivity) loudspeakers will be essential to maintain intelligibility of speech.
A front panel overlay is available as a separate option.

Option Kit Contains: An upgraded EPROM device, a jumper cable to internally connect the circuit board to the front panel and a jumper cable to connect the DS to an external gate source such as PN31 Roze ruis generator 95-97db 1kHz.

A front panel overlay is available as a separate option.

Measurement Frequencies: 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 & 4000Hz.
Measurement Range: 0.1 to 10s in 0.01s (1/100ths) increments
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS and WEEE
- DA35 RT60 optie Real Time Interfaces
401,72 € (332,00 € excl VAT) each

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