DT70 Digitale multimeter tang

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The DT70 with slim jaw and body is ideal for use in cramped work areas and crowded electrical panels. Capture in-rush current using peak hold mode. The DT70 applications are: Measure flame safety control current, Test start and run capacitors & motors, Measure motor run current and capture peak motor start up and amperage, Measure heat anticipator current, Determine thermocouple voltage, Test line and control voltage, Measure air temperature in ducts, Test for the presense of voltage in circuits without contacting the circuit, Measure temperature differential using relative mode.

  • Measure motor in-rush current andrun current
  • Measure temperature differential with relative mode
  • Non-contact voltage feature can be used to immediately see if power is being supplied to the 24VAC control circuit of thermostats
  • Frequency, Min/Max/Record, Data
  • Hold, and Peak Hold
  • Up to 40,000 Microfarads to test run and start capacitors 4,000 count display with 41 segment analog bargraph
    - Auto & Manual Ranging
    - Low Battery Indicator
    - Over Range Indication (“OL”)
    - Hi Voltage Indicator(>30V AC/DC)
    - Separate Battery/Fuse Compartment
    - Low Ohm Range (400V)
    - Amps AC Resolution: 0.01A
    - VDC/VAC Resolution: 0.1mV
    - DCμA measurement(0.01μA resolution)
    - Temperature measurement with 0.1 ° resolution
DC Voltage: Max Range: 600V
  Max Resolution: 0.1mV
  Basic Accuracy: 0.5%
Jaws: AC Amps and AC Voltage higher then 24 Volt
AC Voltage: Max Range: 600V
  Max Resolution: 0.1mV
  Basic Accuracy: 1.2%
DC Amps: N/A
DC Microamps: Max Range: 400uA
  Max Resolution: 0.01uA
  Basic Accuracy: 3%
Jaws: AC Amps and AC Voltage higher then 24 Volt
AC Amps: Max Range: 400A
  Max Resolution: 0.1A
  Basic Accuracy: 3%
Resistance: Max Range: 40MΩ
  Max Resolution: 0.1Ω
  Basic Accuracy: 1%
Frequency: Max Range: 400MHz
  Max Resolution: 0.1Hz
  Basic Accuracy: 1%
Capacitance: Max Range: 40mF
  Max Resolution: 0.001nF
  Basic Accuracy: 1%
Temperature: Max Range: 1000°F
  Max Resolution: 0.1°F
  Basic Accuracy: 1%
Non-Contact Voltage (NCV): 24VAC and above
Continuity Buzzer: <35Ω
Diode Test: 1.5mA Max
True RMS Response: No
Peak Hold: Yes
Relative Mode: Yes
Min/Max Record: Yes
Data Hold: Yes
% Total Harmonic Distortion: No
Range Selection: Auto / Manual
Display Type: 4000 count LCD with analog bargraph
Auto Off / Sleep Mode: Yes
Relative Humidity: 80% non-condensing
Operating Temperature: 32°F to 113°F
Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F
Battery Type: 9V (MN1604)
Battery Life: 80hrs typical
Dimensions (H x L x W): 1.3” x 10” x 2.5”
Weight: 365 gram
Goedkeuring: CE, RoHS en WEEE

DT70 Digitale multimeter tang
KH11 K-koppel hittebestendig snoer -40/510
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240,79 € (199,00 € excl VAT) each

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